How to File an Appeal
I make it very easy for you.
* Come into my office, 5255 Lincoln Skokie. My hours are 8 AM to 4 PM Monday – Friday
* Bring your 2nd Installment 2018 Property Tax bill ( it’s yellow )
* My office will find comparables, fill out the appeal form, and file with County.
Assessor Scott Bagnall’s Office
2nd Installment Property Tax Bill
2019 Appeals to Cook County Board of Review:
file between December 10th- January 7th 2020.
( File in my office by January 6th 2020 if I am taking your appeal downtown for you.)
* Please – no phone calls during the appeal dates.
To Niles Township Taxpayers:
Taxpayers may now file Board of Review appeals in my office. Niles Township Assessor, 5255 Lincoln, Skokie.
The official County deadline to file is January 7, 2020. The deadline to file in my office is January 6, 2020 because I will bring the final batch of appeals to the County on 1/7.
This will be to appeal your Niles Township 2019 reassessment to the Cook County Board of Review.
If you wish to appeal your 2019 reassessment then this is the appeal that you want to file. This is a totally different appeal than the appeal that you may have filed a couple of months ago.
Always bring your 2nd Installment property tax bill with you. (It is yellow. The most recent is the 2018 2nd Installment that was paid in July of 2019.)
As always, my office has the appeal forms and will assist you with the appeal entries and comparable properties.
As always, I will hand deliver these appeals to the Board of Review.
Please remember that during the appeals period the office will not be able to accept phone calls.
Also, during this appeals period please no issues other than appeals. (Around the end of January / beginning of February I will send a notice to my email notification list concerning exemptions.)
Scott Bagnall