Hello Township residents,
By now we normally would have received our second installment property tax bill. You can stop looking for it because it will not be arriving anytime soon. We’ve been informed that due to delays in appeals and overall delay due to the pandemic over the last couple of years, our tax bill will not be mailed out until closer to the end of this year. If your mortgage bank pays your property tax from your escrow account there’s nothing you need to do but if you do not have a tax escrow we highly recommend for you to create your own “escrow” account by putting aside monies for your upcoming bill. Please do not think of this as having a few months extra to pay your tax bill because as far as we know, the first installment bill of next year will still come out in February of 2023 which means the time between your second installment bill of 2021 and the First installment bill of 2022 will only be a couple of months and for most people that is not enough time to save the necessary amount needed to pay for your property tax bill. So plan ahead and save for your property tax bill!
You may have heard that Niles Township will be reassessed in 2022 as we enter our triennial reassessment period. What this means is that all Niles Township properties, residential as well as commercial, will be reassessed. Niles Township is one of 13 Townships that are up for reassessment this year for Tax year 2022. However, we are last in line for reassessment so we do not know when our appeals will open. If the property characteristics listed on an assessment notice are incorrect, or if the estimated market value of a property is significantly more than what it could sell for in a current real estate market, property owners should consider filing an appeal. You will get notification from the Cook County Assessor about the reassessment later this year and we will be ready to help file appeals when they open for our Township.
As soon as we know when property tax bills will be mailed out or when our Township will open for appeal, you will be first to know via these email notifications. If your Township friends and neighbors are not signed up for our email notification please let them know about our website and to sign up for our email list at NilesTownshipAssessor.com.
As always, Julie and I can be reached via email at assessor@nilestownshipgov.com or by replying to this notification. Emails are always the best form of communication but if you choose to call and get our voicemail please give us a couple of days to respond. If you have a pressing matter to speak to us about, please make an appointment at NilesTownshipAssessor.com. Appointments are preferred and will be first to be served over walk ins.
One last thing, we are working on getting some dates on the calendar for our Tax seminars and Estate planning (powers of attorney and Simple Wills) with the Skokie and Niles Libraries so keep a lookout for those emails soon.
Have a great summer and stay safe!